So... I was just sitting here... about to delete my Facebook... first of all... this shouldn't be a big problem right... I mean it's simply just Facebook right...? Second of all... oh my gosh... I am completely and utterly cut off from the... world?- haha WAIT. Why am I so obsessed with Facebook... yes... it keeps me updated with peoples lives, yes it keeps me informed with my sorority, and yes it takes up endless hours of time (stalking people is so fun haha) in which I could be doing what I've been sent to Mississippi State for my classes.
Then I began to think of something I discussed with a friend earlier this week...
"Why do I always try to schedule God into 'my world', when this is most definitely HIS world"... I mean seriously! I take up so much time with STUFF... when He gave us all His time and even HIS OWN SON. How crazy.
So this really convicts me... and honestly I never really saw a bad point to Facebook or really any other extracurricular activities until now...
I always let the things of this world take my time, when our creator is just sitting there saying... "HELLO!! I created you and I love you more than anything... PAY ATTENTION to me... those things cannot save you in the end... ONLY I the Almighty can."
So... I encourage you... if there are things in your life that take up all your time and you are completely consumed by it and you feel like if you had to let it go it would be the end of you... re-think whose world you are actually living in... yours? or God's?
and no... I'm not saying if your in extracurricular's you need to let them go... I'm just saying... DON'T make those your idols... be able to have the confidence if you had to let something go... you would be perfectly capable of letting it go because you have something so much greater to hold on to.
"'Has not my hand made all things, and so they came into being?!' declares the Lord..." -Isaiah 66:2
"Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen." - Romans 1:22-23; 25
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Luke 12:34
"Where then are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them come if they can save you when you are in trouble! For you have as many gods as you have towns, O Judah." -Jeremiah 2:28
BUT seriously... will our idols save us when we need saving or help us through the worst of times... they may bring satisfaction right now... but what about later...
I definitely know that Facebook... in the end will not have my back... hahaha!
I hope you all are having a MARVELOUS week and are completely excited about tomorrow being FRIDAY! Have a great day!
p.s.- go outside and enjoy the beautiful day that God has made!
(These are pictures of Salerno, Italy. A beautiful place I visited this past summer. The pictures just remind me so much of God's glorious creations, but don't take for granted that the place you live is beautiful too! Even here where I am, Starkville, Mississippi!)
(Mississippi State's campus!)