Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rest In It.

 God's beauty shown in Starkville, MS
 Emily and I at Levi and Caitlin's beautiful wedding
 Payne and I at Levi and Caitlin's wedding.
 The boys at the wedding.
 Newlyweds Levi and Caitlin!

Hey everyone! My blogging abilities have not been very good lately and for that I apologize. I've been overly busy, which is annoying because I always pack things on myself, but today FINALLY... I got the chance to sit down and read and just relax. (I didn't really get the chance... I'm kinda just forcing myself hahaha). Anyways...

The reason why my blog is called "REST IN IT" is because lately I haven't been resting in the facts that are right in front of me... which is the Bible.

Something I've known my whole life is that the Bible holds so much truth, but I never really REST IN IT. 

When I finally opened my Bible today... I turned and started out in EPHESIANS 1... As I began reading I just asked God that He would enlighten me and allow me to understand what He is showing me. 

This is what He told me...
Ephesians 1: 4-8
"For HE CHOSE us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will- to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that HE LAVISHED on us with all wisdom and understanding."

The main thing that God really spoke to me through was the fact that he CHOSE me... way before this earth was even created... He knew me... He ALREADY loved me and cared so much for me. This made me think, why am I always searching for acceptance from things of this world... especially people, when the creator of ALL things loved me even though he knew I would fall and make millions upon millions of mistakes that not even those around me know I've made.

The next thing was, that "HE LAVISHED on us"... that word is romantic to me... that He Lavished His love on us..
In the dictionary it says that lavished means: using or giving in great amounts
God has ENDLESS upon ENDLESS amounts of love that He has already shown and given us FREELY, but is still giving it out. We just don't notice it.

This made me realize... How incredibly special I am to the Almighty God of everything... which is CRAZY... 
He is SOOO powerful and rules all things, yet He has endless amounts of time and love to give to me... Why in the world do I not do the same to Him. He is just waiting there with open arms to give us the desires of our hearts, but we are too busy being selfish. 

I just thought this message was amazing and thrilling... and it did make me want to cry... Yet it's something were told as Christians, is that He loves us... but when you finally realize it for yourself... you have the biggest "AH-HA" moment... He is so wonderful the way He works. 

We are so incredibly blessed to be loved by such an amazing SAVIOR. Thank you Lord for your love every single day.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Tuesday! Remember how SPECIAL YOU ARE!!!!