Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So I've personally decided to dedicate myself to being a "workout-aholic". I remember the days that I felt so in shape and I feel like I should get back to that.  Just because college has over taken my life (haha) I shouldn't allow it to affect my health.  No more fast foods. No more eating candy until my eyes fall out. And absolutely NO more snacking at inappropriate times! I feel like these rules are reasonable... RIGHT?! Haha. We will see. Daily I will be writing a post to tell you where I am and how this new healthy life is working.  I feel like through the process I will become more energetic and also feel better and not get sick all the time. WE will see! Let the motivation begin! Haha!

 Just some of my workouts I will be doing daily.  Though not as scenic as these pictures, it will definitely be a step in the right direction! Beach bod- here I come! 

P.S. everyone keep praying for all the southern states that have been affected by these terrible storms and floods!

 Hope you all have a marvelous Tuesday! Love y'all!

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