Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love Like Their's.

There is something I've learned as I've grown up these past 21 years. One of them I would have never believed would have been true probably 3-4 years ago... and that is... my parents are actually really cool and are actually really incredibly smart.

Not knowing myself, they have taught me so much. And recently or more in the past year I've really loved hanging out and spending time with them. This makes me happy, but in some ways makes me sad that it took me 21 years to actually come to this realization.

I find myself at this age, calling them, asking them for advice, laughing at their jokes, doing fun things with them, and just wanting to learn from them.

They are some of the coolest inspirational people I know. I do look at them as my elders and those whom I look up to and obey as it says in the Bible, but I also look at them as my dearest and truest of friends that I know will always love me for me.

These past few days I've been quoting them which sounds weird... but some of what I'm about to show you is very enlightening.

I know we all know this, but it is good to be reaffirmed by it:

"Relationships aren't just a give give give relationship or a take take take relationship, it has both giving and taking involved, and it is so important."

"What you don't like in someone else is something you don't like in yourself"

and my absolute favorite... it's actually a quote from Winnie the Pooh, but my dad loves to say it to my mom... and I think it's the cutest thing ever...

"My favorite time of the day is when you and me become we." 

  Love them so so much.

Something I hope for one day is to have a love like my parents. They love each other through Christ and that is the only way a healthy marriage will ever live. Love Christ. Love others just like He absolutely loved us.

I hope you all are having the best Thursday!!!!

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